Ananya Harsh Jha

Hi! I am a first year PhD student at UW, co-advised by Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Noah Smith. I am broadly interested in efficient machine learning for language.

I collaborate closely with Emma Strubell, Dirk Groeneveld and various other people at AI2, where previously, I was a predoctoral researcher mentored by Iz Beltagy.

Before that, I was a research engineer at PyTorch Lightning. I co-wrote TorchMetrics with Teddy Koker and worked on stochastic-autoencoders with Kyunghyun Cho. In a previous life, I worked on cycle-VAEs with Saket Anand at IIIT-Delhi.

If you wanna chat about research/academia/whatever, feel free to reach out to ananyahj [at] cs [dot] washington [dot] edu.

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